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Autism Life Coach Services Concepts Emotional Resilience Renewed Strength Soul Purpose Worthy Warriors Financial Stability Financial Freedom Time Freedom
Autism Life Coach Services Free Podcast Emotional Resilience Renewal Self-Worth Encouragement Mindset Transformation
Autism Life Coach Services Book Ebook Paperback Audiobook Journey to the Freedom Within You Renewal Renewed Strength Emotional Resilience
Autism Life Coach Program, In person or virtual, 1:1 sessions, small group sessions,
Autism Life Coach Speaking and Workshops, Autism Mom, Austism Allies, Communitites, Congregations, Municipalities

Hello and Welcome!

I’m Ebony a.k.a. E’bon’aire (ee-bon-yair).  For many years, I didn’t have a sense of who I am! I was so caught up in being a Wife and Mother; taking care of everyone’s needs as any good Mother would! Especially, being the Mom of 3 children, including my youngest son, who received a diagnosis of PDD-NOS (now known as Autism/ASD), 18 years ago (at the age of 4).

I was embarrassed by my son’s behavior. I was overwhelmed with all the evaluations, school meetings, and therapies. While obtaining services for my son over the years, I realized that there were no services designed to help me manage the stress and overwhelm of caring for a loved one with an Autism diagnosis.

I had to learn to maintain my peace even through the challenges. If I didn’t, my son’s behavior would escalate, and his needs would be even more difficult to meet. Because of this, I became a Life Coach to

assist Autism Moms and Caregivers

along this journey that we call life!

As I help my son navigate this stage of his journey,

I am also fulfilling a purpose of my own. I'm passionate about assisting other Autism Moms and Caregivers in rebuilding Emotional Resilience: the ability to not

allow stress and overwhelm to disrupt your

Inner Peace of Mind!


Also as an Autoimmune Warrior, I have learned to prioritize myself, even if only for short increments throughout the day, because I now know that

I AM Worthy


I AM Worth it!!!

Let's partner to
provide this amazing training experience to the parents and caregivers your organization serves!
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*Are you overwhelmed with life, especially as an Autism Mom?

*Have you lost sight of who you are in being everything

to everyone else?

* Are your tired of suppressing your needs and wants

(let alone, your dreams and desires)?


* Does working or the idea of working, and not being available for your family, cause you stress?

* Is obtaining financial stability a challenge?

Holistic Healing For Your Soul!

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Ebony (E'bon'aire) Davis-Martin

Motivationalist & Intuitive Life Coach

Mother of  3 Adult Children



*Creating time for Self-Renewal and having restful quiet in your mind!

* Setting and accomplishing goals; NOT feeling like there's "never" enough time to get it all done!

*Having sustainable income AND the flexibility & freedom to create a work-life balance

that works for you and your family!

* Feeling worthy of this and more... well, you CAN:

Listen to our Podcast, Listen to Our Audiobook, Download our New E-Book,

or Sign Up for our 1:1 Coaching Program or Workshops Series.

We also present individual workshops

You Are Worthy and Worth It!

Renewed STRENGTH for a Renewed YOU!!!

You are NOT alone!!!



Transforming Overwhelm into Inner Peace of Mind while Creating the Financial
& Time Freedom that You & Your Family Deserve!
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The SoulFlow Institute and Global YOUniversity

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(407) 486 - 5552

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