Hello and Welcome!
I’m Ebony a.k.a. E’bon’aire (ee-bon-yair). For many years, I didn’t have a sense of who I am! I was so caught up in being a Wife and Mother; taking care of everyone’s needs as any good Mother would! Especially, being the Mom of 3 children, including my youngest son, who received a diagnosis of PDD-NOS (now known as Autism/ASD), 18 years ago (at the age of 4).
I was embarrassed by my son’s behavior. I was overwhelmed with all the evaluations, school meetings, and therapies. While obtaining services for my son over the years, I realized that there were no services designed to help me manage the stress and overwhelm of caring for a loved one with an Autism diagnosis.
I had to learn to maintain my peace even through the challenges. If I didn’t, my son’s behavior would escalate, and his needs would be even more difficult to meet. Because of this, I became a Life Coach to
assist Autism Moms and Caregivers
along this journey that we call life!
As I help my son navigate this stage of his journey,
I am also fulfilling a purpose of my own. I'm passionate about assisting other Autism Moms and Caregivers in rebuilding Emotional Resilience: the ability to not
allow stress and overwhelm to disrupt your
Inner Peace of Mind!
Also as an Autoimmune Warrior, I have learned to prioritize myself, even if only for short increments throughout the day, because I now know that
I AM Worthy
I AM Worth it!!!
Let's partner to
provide this amazing training experience to the parents and caregivers your organization serves!
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*Are you overwhelmed with life, especially as an Autism Mom?
*Have you lost sight of who you are in being everything
to everyone else?
* Are your tired of suppressing your needs and wants
(let alone, your dreams and desires)?
* Does working or the idea of working, and not being available for your family, cause you stress?
* Is obtaining financial stability a challenge?
Holistic Healing For Your Soul!

Ebony (E'bon'aire) Davis-Martin
Motivationalist & Intuitive Life Coach
Mother of 3 Adult Children
*Creating time for Self-Renewal and having restful quiet in your mind!
* Setting and accomplishing goals; NOT feeling like there's "never" enough time to get it all done!
*Having sustainable income AND the flexibility & freedom to create a work-life balance
that works for you and your family!
* Feeling worthy of this and more... well, you CAN:
Listen to our Podcast, Listen to Our Audiobook, Download our New E-Book,
or Sign Up for our 1:1 Coaching Program or Workshops Series.
We also present individual workshops!
You Are Worthy and Worth It!
Renewed STRENGTH for a Renewed YOU!!!
You are NOT alone!!!